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Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies

Who we are & what we do

The Global Forum is a network that connects the knowledge and experience of SDG councils, commissions and similar multi-stakeholder advisory bodies around the globe. Our network thereby engages in local, national and international debates.

Get to know us and our work

Out last Steering Group meeting in Oxford

In January 2024, the Global Forum Steering Group met in Oxford to explore topics such as network strategy, governance, member engagement, and more.  

Meet the Steering Group (external link, opens in a new window)

Who we are & what we do

The Global Forum is a network that connects the knowledge and experience of SDG councils, commissions and similar multi-stakeholder advisory bodies around the globe. Our network thereby engages in local, national and international debates.

Get to know us and our work

Out last Steering Group meeting in Oxford

In January 2024, the Global Forum Steering Group met in Oxford to explore topics such as network strategy, governance, member engagement, and more.  

Meet the Steering Group (external link, opens in a new window)

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Our vision is build a fully and holistically developed society, considering all dimensions of the human being and their environment, acknowledging nature and human beings as an inseparable whole within this concept.

Fundación para el Desarrollo Social, Chile

View profile: Fundación para el Desarrollo Social

An independent think tank that generates evidence and implements initiatives to influence public policy and promote practices to build an equitable and sustainable society.

Fundación para el Avance de las Reformas y Oportunidades, Ecuador

View profile: Fundación para el Avance de las Reformas y Oportunidades

ANC works to strengthen the leadership of CSOs and initiatives through training, capacity development, public debate and participation in the legislative process, all while being committed to defending human rights and local communities.

La Asociación Nacional de Centros de Investigación, Promoción Social y Desarrollo, Peru

View profile: La Asociación Nacional de Centros de Investigación, Promoción Social y Desarrollo

The vision of the Platform is to serve to co-ordinate civil society organisations in Ghana in pursuit of achieving the SDGs by 2030.

Ghana Civil Society Organisations Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals, Ghana

View profile: Ghana Civil Society Organisations Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals

UCSD’s Vision is of humanity sharing the resources of our planet in a sustainable manner, guided by the principles of universal justice as set in Rio and subsequent summits.

Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development, Uganda

View profile: Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development
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Discover our knowledge and learning tools

Discover our projects and initiatives

  • Global Forum members are currently exploring the various facets of transformation in the different context settings - locally and nationally, based on the recommendation of the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR).

  • Global Forum members have implemented SDG stakeholder mapping and round table dialogues with the goal of enhancing the visibility and network character of existing organizational efforts to implement the UN SDGs.

  • The Global Form aims to strengthen the role of multi-stakeholder advisory bodies, whose efforts directly contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

  • The Global Forum plays, in part, a role in advocating on behalf of its members. By harnessing the collective influence of the network as a whole, joint activities can carry greater weight and impact than individual members acting alone.

  • Global Forum members focused on supporting municipalities in the use of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs). They examined how to strategize and track community progress in the SDGs, as well as how to use local data and informed decision making to achieve wellbeing…

  • Global Forum members introduced national dialogues, advocacy and regional events for sharing good practices, experiences, and challenges related to the SDGs in the LAC region.


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Integrating the SDGs and Delivering a Sustainable Future: 2030 and Beyond

21/09/202408:30 - 10:00 EST - Organised by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future

A Virtual Side Event, via Zoom, during the 2024 United Nations Summit of the Future Action Days, Saturday, 21 September 2024 from 8:30 – 10:00 AM NY time (EST). Organized by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future in Cooperation with the United Nations…

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