Pieces of a puzzle, Part I: towards national sustainable development advisory bodies (July 2021)
An initial study of the potential for multi-stakeholder advisory bodies to play a greater role in achieving the 2030 Agenda.It provides an understanding of the ‘pieces of a puzzle’ needed by national multi-stakeholder platforms (MSP) working on sustainable development, including the necessary processes and stakeholders.It includes an overview of stakeholder landscapes and engagement processes in policymaking in Kenya, Tanzania, Benin, and Ecuador.
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EN: Pieces of a puzzle: towards national sustainable development advisory bodies (Part I)
Understanding the stakeholder landscape and policy processes towards establishing national multi-stakeholder advisory bodies for sustainable development.
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ES: Piezas de un rompecabezas: hacia los órganos consultivos nacionales de desarrollo sostenible
Comprender si los procesos y diálogos existentes tienen potencial y opciones para establecer un órgano consultivo nacional legitimado y permanente con estatus consultivo para los responsables nacionales de la toma de decisiones para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
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FR: Les piéces d’un puzzle: vers des organes consultatifs nationaux du développement durable
Comprendre si les processus et les dialogues existants présentent un potentiel et des options pour établir un organe consultatif national légitimé et permanent ayant un statut consultatif auprès des décideurs nationaux pour les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD).
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