Global cooperation: calling to action
The Global Forum plays, in part, a role in advocating on behalf of its members. By harnessing the collective influence of the network as a whole, joint activities can carry greater weight and impact than individual members acting alone.
Our activities to date include:
Joint Call to Action
In December 2022 the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies published and handed over a Joint Call to Action, calling on all governments and national stakeholder groups to support the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres's proposals in "Our Common Agenda".
Our document highlights the urgent need for concrete action at both the national and international levels.
Our Joint Call to Action is available in English, French and Spanish
Background to the document
The origins of the document began in September 2022, where members and other representatives from over 20 countries gathered for a network meeting in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss the role of institutionalised SDG multi-stakeholder advisory bodies in accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and achieving sustainable transformation.
During a session at the event, the network debated and agreed to a proposal to collectively create a Joint to Call to Action.
The content and focus of the document was explored collectively and resulted in the drafting of five specific actions that are relevant to institutionalized stakeholder processes and platforms, namely to:
- take specific steps to account for the interests of future generations
- renew social contracts across all sectors of society and re-build trust by transforming institutions and systems
- develop strategies for achieving the “how” of preserving global public goods, such as e.g., oceans, atmosphere, and rain forests
- move beyond profit and growth for measurement of success and wellbeing and achieve transition to green and circular economies
- foster inclusive participation of stakeholders to deliver just transitions across all the Goals: (1) food systems, (2) energy systems, (3) sustainable building and transportation, (4) circular economies, (5) human well-being and capabilities and (6) pollution-free environment.
Each of these topics is explored in detail in the Joint Call to Action.
Use of the document
Following consultation and input by members the documents was finalised by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) and has been sent to the UNDESA office. There are also plans to send it to the office of the UN Secretary-General, and the Global Forum is identifying a window of opportunity in the ongoing process for “Our Common Agenda”.
In addition, members were invited and encouraged to make use of the document at a local level for instance by sending it to their government partners or other bodies with whom they wish to engage – or by posting it on their social media.
Available to all
We continue to invite members and other stakeholders to support the actions outlined in the document and to disseminate the Joint Call to Action as they befits their role.