Transform now!
“Transformative change means doing things differently—not just a little more or less of something we’re already doing… truly transformative change is change that becomes sweeping. It often starts small, but it is strategic. …There’s a role for everyone …whether you are an individual, an organization, or a policymaker.” - (IPBES) (external link, opens in a new window)
Insights from the GSDR
Global Forum members are currently exploring the various facets of transformation in the different context settings locally and nationally, based on the latest insights from the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR).

Examples from our membership
For example, in Finland, as in most other countries, the transformations needed to meet these challenges, are in the hands of several actors in society. Global Forum member, the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development, brings together key stakeholders in Finnish society. It has the key task of speeding up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda as well as linking it to national work on sustainable development.
The Commission has developed a strategy which is its view on the need for systemic changes in Finland. It will identify and speed up some key actions in each area of change.
The Global Forum member, the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) is one of several mechanisms in Germany for multi-stakeholder engagement in support of transformation.
The German government has recognised that transformation means a substantial change in the way of living and the production of goods and services towards a way that it does not harm the environment, the biodiversity and the climate. The government has adapted the entry-points to its national context setting, thereby clustering the SDGs and corresponding policy measures accordingly.
Global Forum activities
The Global Forum Community of Practice on transformation currently explores relevant entry-points and the need for priority in various context settings as well as understanding the status quo of levers to foster change and transformation. This understanding will lead to joint factsheets and debates on how to accelerate and shape transformation in a variety of context situations.
A first Global Forum webinar, called "Transformative Action - Learning and Dialogue", already took place in December 2022 and focused on understanding the SDG transformations, identifying opportunities and defining the role of SDGs advisory bodies in the transformation.
The webinar sought to expand and understand the six key transformation areas, developed in the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019, namely:
- Human well-being and capabilities
- Sustainable and just economies
- Sustainable food systems and healthy nutrition
- Energy de-carbonisation with universal access
- Sustainable urban and peri-urban development
- Securing global environmental commons.
The event also aimed to identify opportunities and roles for multi-stakeholder SDG advisory bodies in these transformations.