The objectives of CePSuD include promotion of inclusive and sustainable development in local communities through a people-centred approach as well as capacity building and mobilization of…
An independent national institution, the NFFT is responsible for promoting the definition of the principles, goals and overarching tasks of sustainable development in Hungary. It considers relevant…
CONGAD was founded in 1982 by non-governmental organisations working in Senegal to coordinate the management of relations with the State and other partners. CONGAD provides capacity building for…
The civil society working group "Groupe de travail des organisations de la société civile sur les objectifs de développement durable" is made up of more than 500 civil society organisations in…
ANC is the largest coalition of CSOs in Peru. ANC works to strengthen the leadership of CSOs and initiatives through training, capacity development, public debate and participation in the legislative…
This website is to communicate useful information about the Global Forum for National Advisory Bodies (the Global Forum), a network of independent organisations from many different…
Maison de la Société Civile is an apolitical and a non-profit association created in 2008. It was created in response to the need to actively build the capacity of Beninese CSOs to participate…
African Monitor is an independent Pan-African continental body monitoring development commitments, delivery and their impact on communities. It works towards bringing strong additional African voices…
INDEP is a think tank and an advocacy centre that provides independent research-based policy solutions.Established in 2011 as an association of analysts, researchers and civil society activists,…
ISC/ODD-CI is an umbrella organisation created in 2017 whose mission is to co-ordinate the initiatives of member organisations to promote, implement and monitor and evaluate the SDGs. It includes…
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