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Hungarian Council for Sustainable Development (NFFT)

An independent national institution, the NFFT is responsible for promoting the definition of the principles, goals and overarching tasks of sustainable development in Hungary. It considers relevant international co-operation, promotes the regular review and implementation of the sustainable development strategy, supports the co-ordination of relevant planning and consultation activities,  raises awareness and social engagement, and  implements the international sustainable development goals adopted in 2015.

One of the priorities of the NFFT is to promote a change of attitude in all segments of society. It encourages and supports a wide range of public awareness activities to strengthen social empowerment.

In addition to extensive press coverage, the NFFT produces a range of publications and working papers to help inform the wider public and professional organisations about sustainability. The NFFT reports regularly to parliament on its activities.

Quick facts

independent national organisation
Visit the website (external link, opens in a new window)

Vision and work in relation to the Global Forum

The NFFT has the role of advising the parliament on government policy or making policy recommendations to the parliament and government regarding sustainable development.

The Council can provide both solicited and unsolicited advice to government and parliament. Further, the NFFT prepares a bi-annual Monitoring Report on the National Framework Strategy on sustainable development which includes the provision of professional opinion on certain sustainability related issues and proposal making as well.

In addition the NFFT assumes responsibility for facilitating the definition of the SDG related principles, objectives, and comprehensive tasks of sustainable development in Hungary. It promotes an attitude change in all segments of society using the regular revision and implementation of the sustainable development strategy, in addition to supporting the co-ordination of the relevant planning and consultation activities, and increasing social engagement and implementation of the SDGs.

Through the NFFT’s bi-annual progress report, it also provides a ‘compass’ function for the different stakeholders.

Bringing together voices from different sections of society

The NFFT was established as an individual stakeholder institution of the Hungarian Parliament.  Members include politicians, representatives of economic and scientific life, churches, trade unions and civil society.

The guidance document for preparing the Hungarian NSDS points out that, during the decision-making process (eg legislative, investment, budget, institutional or governmental issues in a broader sense) all important social and environmental factors have to be considered alongside the long-term effects. NFFT therefore actively collaborates and build partnerships with different associations and NGOs, working in the field of sustainable development. NFFT is also active member in different international SD networks (eg.EEAC, ESDN, etc.).