Intro SDG councils, commissions and similar advisory bodies perform a compass function for their governments, provide a permanent whole-of-society engagement process, substantially support…
Joint Call to Action In December 2022 the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies published and handed over a Joint Call to Action, calling on all governments and national stakeholder groups…
Partners and membersProject partners The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) has worked in partnership with municipal governments and Global Forum member organizations to…
Intro The Global Forum’s mission is to promote national-level multi-stakeholder engagement in government’s planning, implementation and reporting of the SDGs. Our means of achieving it, takes many…
What is a Global Forum member’s unique role in addressing their county’s sustainable development challenges? This is a question we keep at the front of our minds when members get together to share…
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development National Council (National Council), which was created in 2017, is the enabling body where representatives from the government, including…
How to use multi-stakeholder advisory bodies to support an inclusive approach to VNRs and VLRs What this document is: This ‘How to...’ guide is a working document that captures Global Forum members…
The guide aims to inspire Global Forum members, and other organisations that are supporting Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs). 'How to use multi-stakeholder…
Intro Please find all other reports than studies and guidelines, as well as useful material for SDG advisory bodies and those who are interested in their role and methods, below:Intro
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